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Growing hearts & minds together
Opening Times 8.45am - 3.10pm

Vision and Values

Vision and Values
'Growing hearts and minds together'

We engage children in a stimulating and creative curriculum, providing a safe and secure learning environment where all confidently embrace challenge.
We enrich the life of every child through a meaningful and purposeful learning journey, which takes them beyond their immediate experience to new and exciting opportunities.
We empower children to become resilient, responsible and active members of the community, using their voice to make a positive contribution to an ever-changing society.
Character Virtues
'Be Safe, Be Kind'
At Eden Park, we feel that it is equally important to educate children in core character values, that will enable each child to flourish as they grow and develop.
Our aim is to teach children: Communication, Compassion, Creativity, Tolerance, Resilience and Citizenship so they can become confident, caring citizens.
Children have a wide range of opportunities to practise their character virtues through all curriculum subjects, enrichment and wider experiences. Character education is woven throughout, enhancing the curriculum to ensure children have experiences beyond the classroom, allowing them to apply their skills and knowledge in a wider context. We model, celebrate and highlight these virtues at every opportunity and explicitly in weekly assemblies.
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